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Aunt Karen and Uncle Jeff had arrived in Louisville Thursday night, so they were at the hotel when we arrived. Brian was only 30 minutes behind us, so our timing was perfect. We stayed at the Hyatt downtown, a PERFECT location for this event, as it was only a few blocks from the host hotel where athlete check-in was, it was right next to the convention center where the dinner and meeting was, it was one block from the finish (which worked out well for me!), and less than a mile from transition.
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That afternoon I had a 40 minute run on the training plan, so I set out from the hotel and ran down to the swim start, which was about a mile from the transition area. Louisville has a really nice waterfront area, with a large park with playgrounds, green grass, lots of pathways for walking or running. It was quite hot out, probably almost 90 and sunny, and my run was pretty slow. I tried not to worry that I felt a little tired and had a few weird sore spots and pain popping up.
That evening was the athlete dinner and meeting--I bought a ticket for Brian to go to the dinner with me, but am glad I suggested to the rest of the Support Crew that they eat elsewhere--$30 for rubber chicken, canned green beans, ziti and a roll was not exactly a bargain. But it was adequate for fueling, and Christina, Darrell, Andy and I found each other to sit together. There were some presentations during the dinner portion of the meeting, and the one that stands out is Patrick Evoe, the winner of the 2012 race and runner-up this year. He was a very positive speaker and clearly enthusiastic about the sport. It was a pleasure to hear him speak. Mom, Aunt Karen and Uncle Jeff joined us for the athlete meeting, which was somewhat informative--new things I learned: anyone caught pooping in the bushes at the swim start would be disqualified. Apparently this was a problem last year, so more port-o-lets were added to the start with the DQ threat looming over anyone who decided to not wait in line. (It always comes down to poop. Seriously.)
Saturday was a busy day...I started the day with a 20 minute run along the waterfront. The weather was perfect--somewhat cool and low humidity, even though I heard others complaining about the heat and humidity, it was NOTHING compared to Central Florida. At 8:00, Darrell and I met at the swim exit for the practice swim--this was the only opportunity for participants to get in the water to see how it was. I had heard somewhat sketchy things about the Ohio River, most notably that one should not wear white for fear it would never be white again...but I didn't find the water dirty or smelly at all. And there was a current! Most things I read indicated no current, but there was DEFINITELY a current, so I figured that was a good thing because it would be in our favor for 3/4 of the race.
After the swim we went out to drive the bike course. I had read a lot about this course, viewed some videos, looked at the profile, and everything pointed to a fairly hilly course, particularly when compared to the flat of Central Florida. Well, the reports did not lie...and while driving the course, I reevaluated my anticipated finish time. Compared to the "hills" in Clermont, this course was similar but longer...the rollers were longer, there was an out and back portion that was steep and about a mile long in each direction of the climb. Basically, other than the first and last 12 miles, the hills never stopped. So I won't say that I got nervous, I just got realistic.
When we got back to the hotel, I had to get my bags ready. Now, being the OCD prep person that I am, I had already pre-prepared (yes, that's a word) my bags at home, separating the items into my own bags so that when I got the official ones I would just have to do a recheck and then transfer the items. I had an extensive Excel spreadsheet, as well...that's not weird, right?
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I had Brian make a video of my bag prep which I posted on YouTube, because that's where I got a lot of ideas myself. Hopefully it will help any first-timers that see my video. Link is here:
Ironman Bag Prep
Once I felt I had everything in place, it was time to head to transition to check in my bike and drop off my bags. But first--a stop at a bike shop along the way for gear adjustment. That took a while (apparently it is not easy to fine tune the gears on this bike!), and I didn't do a test ride afterwards, but it sounded good in the shop, so I put my trust in the mechanic and headed to transition. Once there, an awesome volunteer walked me through the whole process (the volunteers were truly amazing--everyone had said so, and they were right, just superb). He took me to the spot where I would leave my bike. In an Ironman, you don't leave anything but your bike in the rack area, unlike other triathlons where you set up all of your supplies in the same place. The rack had a sticker with my number on it so I knew where my bike went, and it was fairly easy to find given I had a low number: 3 racks from the front, 6 racks in from the side, no problem, right? Ha! (More on that later.) I then dropped off my special needs bags, which was not required. I could have dropped them Sunday morning, which a lot of people do because they put special food in those bags. But I had nothing special since I was using course nutrition, so I dropped them Saturday so I wouldn't need to worry about them anymore. He then led me to the spot to drop the bike and run bags. This was an area with the bags laid out in rows, with everyone's bike bag on one side and run bag on the other, right next to it. Again, this was very well-organized, and the volunteer assured me that after the bags were all there, someone would go through and make sure they were really in order, making it easier to find the next day. He showed me the changing tent and which way we would be coming in from the swim, where to run for the bike bag and then to the tent, where to exit the tent to get the bike and bike out, where we would come in off the bike and again to the bags and tent, and then how to run the other way for the run start. Very thorough and helpful.
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At that point all I had to worry about was my dinner (which I wanted to eat before 5:00...you know, again because of the poop thing). I had planned to just get chicken and rice from Chipotle which was next to the hotel, but Brian was really hungry so we stopped at the Bluegrass Brewing Company and I had a chicken sandwich and garlic mashed potatoes...which were so good that I ordered a second serving! And then it was back to the hotel for rest. I had been worried about whether or not I would be able to get to sleep Saturday night, but that proved to be no problem at all. In fact, I was struggling to NOT fall asleep too early! At 8:00 I turned off the light and was out...and then I woke up at probably 1:30 and couldn't get to sleep again. I tried, but it just wasn't happening. Luckily I wasn't too stressed about this, and when the wake up call came at 3:30, I got up and started my epic day.
I should stop here and make you wait for the good stuff...man, this is a lot of writing! Sorry about that, but it was quite an experience, and one that I am happy to share, so it is what it is.
It is finally here. After 7 months and 3,371 miles of training, the time had come. I had a plan and I was going to follow it. First, shower. Check. Next, food. I made oatmeal using the water from the coffee maker, and added a spoonful of honey and a banana. Check. Water bottles with Perform and water for my bike. Check. Tri suit on, face sunscreen, and lube everywhere I could possible think about chafing. Tri Tats, courtest of Darrell, check. And let's not forget the all-important poop. Check, check. And once again in transition. Check. (All systems go!) TMI? Sorry...but not really, you know how it is. I told you before, it all comes down to poop.
Moving right along (no pun intended), I was pretty much ready to make the trek to transition. I wasn't even that nervous! I felt ready to go. So Brian and I headed down to transition and I starting my final preparation. Water bottles on the bike, tireS pumped, bike in the proper starting gear, GPS in the bike gear bag turned on (though it ended up not working properly, but I wouldn't know that until after the race). Port-o-let stop #1, and before leaving, port-o-let stop #2, just for good measure. No lines in transition potties! Awesome!
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Now, as you know, swimming is my weakest area. I've been working on it all year, but I still typically hate the swim in a triathlon. I just want it to be over so my "real" race can start. But this was different! First, the ugly: I got dunked, I think on purpose, by some guy who I just couldn't get away from; I got kicked in the face (not on purpose), but that actually ended up sealing my goggles tighter, so no big deal; and I got punched in the back of the head, which actually hurt. Next, the bad: I tried to swim near the buoys so I could stay as straight as possible, but that turned out to be a really crowded line. While the water didn't seem dirty, it was impossible to see anyone else until you were completely on top of them, so there was a lot more contact than I expected with a time trial start. There were quite a few times where I had to stop my stroke and wait for someone to swim by me at a diagonal, lest I be swimming on top of them. Now the good: I actually enjoyed this swim! Even with the contact, I was enjoying myself. I did have lower back pain and hamstring tightness that worried me, but I just kept swimming. The first 500 yards are up river but fairly sheltered behind an island; the next 500 yards past the island are against the current, though it wasn't noticeable; and then after the turn buoy it is all downriver, with the current helping us along. The buoys were so easy to see that I had no trouble sighting, and because it was a straight line, I didn't have to sight that much. The only problem with that was all the people swimming diagonally in front of me, since I couldn't see them coming. Throughout the swim, as I started to get a little too comfortable with my stroke, I would pick up the pace. My breathing was good, and though I might have been able to work a little harder, I did feel as though I was giving it a good effort. As I got towards the end, I was feeling pretty good. (Although I did think the end was closer than it was--I could see people standing in the transition area and thought that was the finish--it wasn't! But the finish wasn't much farther.) The day before at the practice swim, I was a little dizzy when I got out of the water, which sometimes happens to me in T1 after a triathlon swim. When I got to the swim exit during the race, it was crowded on the steps, and the wonderful volunteers grab you from the water and pull you to the steps. I climbed the steps and had no feelings of dizziness, and I didn't even really feel tired!
So I started my run to transition, up the little incline, over the foot bridge, down into the bag area. A volunteer called my number out and another went to retrieve my bag, so as I ran down the line of bags she already had it ready to hand to me. Now, I had read in someone's race report that a good strategy for T1 was to sit outside the tent (since I wasn't changing clothes I didn't need any privacy), and pee in the grass while putting on shoes, helmet, etc. Oh--I forgot to mention--I peed during the swim! Twice! Do I get a gold star? So anyway, I guess I didn't have to pee again because I couldn't go. I dumped out my bike gear bag and began to assemble myself for the next 112 miles. Shoes on. Check. Headband and helmet on. Check. Lube on the feet? Shit, I forgot about that. Shoes off, lube on the feet, shoes back on. Oops. Nutrition in pockets (oh, I had opened all of my Bonk Breaker bars and Gu Chomps that morning so that I wouldn't have to struggle with opening them on the bike--minor but important detail for ease of nutrition). Race belt on with GPS tracker. Ready! I threw my swim cap and goggles in the bag, along with the extra stuff I didn't use, dumped it with a volunteer, and ran through the tent to the bike. SO glad I didn't go into the tent to get ready because it was PACKED with women changing clothes, getting their gear on, volunteers helping, just too many people. Now, even though I had looked the day before and that morning at the layout of where my bike was, I was in such an excited hurry, worrying that I had forgotten something, that I miscounted and started down a bike row one row too early. Then when I went to the correct bike row, I ran right by my bike. Twice. Duh! Note to self: haste makes waste. SLOW DOWN AND CONCENTRATE! Not that it was that much of a delay, but it was a stupid one. So I get my bike, run out of transition, and I'm off!
The first hurdle on the bike course, literally, is a small curb upon exiting transition that you have to ride over. What happened there? Bottle popped out of my rear cage! NEVER have I lost a bottle before, but POP! There it went. So I had to turn around (carefully, since there were tons of people exiting transition), and go pick it up. I did not panic or get upset, I just corrected the problem and moved on. As I mentioned, the first 10-12 miles are fairly flat, so I got comfortable and started to pedal. And pass. I passed a lot. For a long time. I was mostly riding in the passing lane for the first 10 miles, because of the nature of the time trial swim start, there were all levels of cyclists already out on the course. Some strong men were passing me, too, but not many :-). I knew that after the turn onto route 42, the rollers would start. I had my Garmin set to show my heart rate, % grade and average speed (thanks Judi for that suggestion!). For the uphills, I was going to just ride my comfortable pace--not too slow, but not blowing out my legs, either. For the downhills I planned to take advantage of any speed I could pick up. And that's exactly what I did. And it was fun. And I crushed that bike course! I cannot tell you how excited I was out there when I realized that it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I could pick up a lot of speed on those downhills, and I didn't tire myself out too much on the uphills. It was great. That steep out and back portion that I dreaded so much? Loved it! (Sidebar: it was a little scary, and I had a close call when I came upon the medical cart pulling out into the road in front of me around a blind corner--I stopped without too much problem, but the cart was going to pick up a guy who had crashed bad on the opposing downhill. Scary stuff that I tried not to focus on.) But seriously, it was a really great course.
After the out and back portion, which has the steepest and longest canyon of the course, we head out to a loop portion that eventually goes through a town called LeGrange where spectators gather, and I knew my family would be there. There is a sign at one point that shows LeGrange 8 miles. That was a boost (and also just before LeGrange there is a relatively flat portion of the course before the rollers start again--it's probably only 2 miles of flat, but it helps). Going through town, with spectators lining both sides of the course, I was searching for my Support Crew, and finally saw them--Mom hanging over the barricade with her cowbell and a look on her face that said, "Is that her? I think that's her...it's her!" I waved and yelled "HEY!" as I passed. Even though it's a short moment, that support from people you know is just a huge moral boost. Just after passing them I heard Brian's voice from the left side of the road, and turned to see him just as I passed. Okay, with that boost from the Support Crew behind me, time to focus on the next challenge, Ballard School Road, a portion of the course that was a narrow, twisting, undulating road. It was tough, but really fun. After that I thought we had made the turn back on to 42 to head back for the second loop, but I was wrong...one more turn...Oh, well, I was checking my average speed and at the high point through some of the hills it was at 19.6, but started falling as the rollers continued to 19.2. I knew that I might be a little slower on the second loop, but I also knew that I had picked up good speed on the downhills.
There are mile markers on the road on the bike course every 10 miles--that means that on the loop, you also see the markers for the next loop, so as I passed the marker for mile 70 (when I was only at mile 40 or so), I thought to myself, "pretty soon I'll be back here and it WILL be mile 70." Now, my body was feeling good and bad at the same time during this portion of the race. Unfortunately, my shoulders and neck started hurting really early on. I think this is because during taper, I didn't have the long rides in the aero position that I had built up prior, and so my muscles just did not like being in that position. My "seat" was also chafing a bit, but not as bad as it had the last few long rides, so that was bearable. And my legs actually felt okay. A few times I felt my hamstrings tighten a bit, and I made sure to take a Salt Stick tablet every hour, even though I wasn't sweating nearly as much as I do at home. I started to feel the heat of the day on the second loop of the bike, but the heat never really got to me. I also don't think my quads ever really felt fatigued or in pain, which is great. I was able to mostly stick to my nutrition plan, though I delayed the start of my eating a little bit since I had a gel and Gatorade Pre before the swim. I ate even when I didn't feel like eating, just to make sure I would have enough calories in me to start the run. I think I had 2 1/2 Bonk Breaker bars, 1/2 pack of Gu Chomps, and a bunch of Perform. I sipped Perform whenever I thought about it, and drank water when I would eat, and sometimes after taking a sip of Perform to get the sweet taste out of my mouth. (By the way, even though I trained with Perform, it was the powdered kind. The stuff they have on the course is in bottles, which you cannot buy outside of the race, and it was so disgusting--it was not even close to the same as the powdered stuff. Luckily my stomach did fine with it, even though I hated drinking it.) I had to pee around mile 80, and I really tried on the downhills to relax and just go, but to no avail. It wasn't an emergency, not a completely full bladder, and I just couldn't do it. I worried about this a little bit, wondering if I was drinking enough, but I had been hydrating well, so I figured maybe I would use the port-o-potty in transition.
The second loop came and I thought I knew what to expect. I was surprised, however, to realize that I didn't remember climbing some of the hills the first time--how is that? I know I was just there, but surprise! Here's another one! Oh, well. Once I saw that sign for LeGrange again I got excited, and this time Brian was on an uphill leading into town and got a great picture of me smiling. And I meant that smile! I was having a ball! The rest of the Support Crew was in the same spot as before, so I was ready and gave them a wave and a "WOOOOO" on the way by. Smiling still, I continued on, knowing that I had already conquered this part of the course once, I could do it again. I admit that on the rollers on the way back to town I was sitting up a lot more than the first time around, since my shoulders and neck were in so much pain. But the legs still felt good. I thought we might have a tailwind, but really I have no idea. Sometimes it seemed like we did, at others it seemed like it was a headwind.
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Getting back into transition was really exciting, the crowds were big, and as I was unclipping from my pedals I heard my mom, looked left, and saw my Support Crew there. I handed my bike off to a volunteer, didn't bother with taking my bike shoes off, and ran down to get my run bag from another volunteer. Again, stellar performance by the volunteers--they called my number, directed me down the right row, and had my bag ready to hand off to me as I ran by. Since I had put bright yellow tape at the top of my bags with my number on it, it was easy to tell that they handed me the right bag. This time I did go into the tent and let a volunteer help me. The tent was not crowded, she handed me a cup of water, I dumped my entire bag on the ground and began the transition process. She asked if I wanted her to take my nutrition out of the zip lock bag, and I did. I took off my helmet and bike shoes, put on my socks and run shoes, emptied my pockets of bike nutrition trash, asked her to hand me the gels, grabbed my hat and was on my way. She packed up everything into my bag for me so I didn't have to worry about it. At this point I still had to pee and thought I might have something else going on, too, so as I exited the tent I took a look at the potties as I ran by, but there were 4 people waiting and I just didn't want to stop.
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Brian was there on the other side of the fence as I headed out of transition, and I was still smiling! I was SOOOO happy to be off that bike that I could have done a happy dance at that point! I also saw the rest of the Support Crew and gave high-fives as I headed out onto the run course. Now, I knew that I would start my run too fast. My Garmin is set for an alert at every mile, and my first mile was 9:10, the second was 9:06...but they slowed down from there. I was feeling okay at this point, and the "other" thing I thought might be happening was just gas (I was told to never trust a fart in an Ironman...I did, and luckily no harm done, it really was just gas). But I still had to pee. I don't remember at what mile it was, probably between 3 and 4, but I took a look around me to make sure no one was directly behind me, and I just went. I was surprised at how easy it was to do, and how messy it was! Gross, I know, really disgusting, but whatever, I had to go. I got a little embarrassed at that point, wondering if the people coming the other way were looking at me and wondering why I seemed to be sweating profusely below the waist all of a sudden! So I only went half...the other half came out a few miles later :-). Luckily, there were sponges doused with ice water at every other aid station, and plenty of water to pour down my legs. And there was a fire truck spraying water around mile 5, so no harm done, all the gross washed away. And even though I wore my Saucony Kinvara 4s, which are not a triathlon shoe, they are so light-weight that they drained very well, and even with all the water I was dumping over myself, my shoes never got heavy.
I took a gel at mile 5 or 6, and started slowing down a little more. The turnaround is just past mile 7, and I was really looking forward to that, because in my head I usually break a marathon up into 3 pieces: 10 miles, 10 miles, then 10K. But this marathon had a turnaround at mile 7, another just about halfway, then the same turnaround on the course (at the original mile 7) before heading home for the last 10K. As I reached the 10 mile mark, I knew that my stomach was going to start to revolt. It was tightening up, and I think I may have been taking in too many fluids. But I felt thirsty. I guess it was hot out, around 91 degrees, but I didn't really notice. I was putting ice cubes in my sports bra at every aid station (which were pretty much every mile), and when there were sponges, I would stick those in my shirt to hold the ice. I told myself at mile 12 I would take another gel, which I did, but I had to force it down. That's when I stopped having fun. Mile 12. However, I knew I would make it at that point, no doubt about that. It was just a matter of how fast could I do it? As I got close to the turnaround, the crowds got thicker, and I looked for my Support Crew. I knew that the turnaround was close to the finish, but I didn't realize that we had to actually run towards the finish line, with it right in front of us, before making the turn! At this point I got a little nervous, because without my glasses I couldn't see the signs up ahead, and there were no volunteers around for reassurance that I was going the right way. For a moment I thought I had missed my turn and was incorrectly headed towards the finish! But then I spotted my Support Crew to my right, cheering me on, and I smiled big and kept going. Then I saw the sign for the second loop and made the turn. I did not need anything from my special needs bag, which is offered at that point, so I kept going. I was disappointed that I didn't see Brian at this point--I needed his reassurance that I would be okay--but he had misread the map and was in a different spot. At this point, I knew what I had to do, I had already seen the road I had to cover, and I just had to keep running.
I kept thinking about Sunday morning runs with the Runaholix, kept picturing myself just running another training run with Fredo the Wonder Dog. I passed the 2 mile mark and knew there were only 5 miles to the turnaround--no problem, I can do 5 miles. At the aid stations I started to drink Coke with ice, grab orange slices, some Perform, but I hesitated to drink too much, as I didn't want to overhydrate. Eating another gel was out of the question, though. When I was thirsty but didn't want to drink, I would grab a cup of ice and put some ice cubes in my mouth to quench the thirst. This seemed to work okay, but man did a cola with ice really taste good! I probably should have tried some chicken broth, which they were offering at each station, at least to change it up from sweet to salty...but I doubt it would have helped me to run faster.
By mile 18, everything below my waist hurt. The bottoms of my feet, my knees, my quads, my hips had burning pain in weird places. Yet I had felt worse in other stand-alone marathons, so I knew I would be okay. At mile 20, I finally looked at my watch to see what my overall time was, and I realized that not only was I going to beat my goal of 12 hours, I might even beat 11:30! I started calculating in my head what it would take to come in under 11:30. I tried to pick up the pace--that didn't happen, I actually slowed down. But I never walked! I wanted to...I wanted to stop and walk...but so much time is lost even on a short walk. I made a deal with myself at mile 23 that I would allow myself to walk for 1 minute through the next aid station. But as I got closer I realized that if I kept running, I would be close to finishing in 11:15! So I never walked.
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11:17:08!! I can't believe how well I did! I exceeded even my highest expectations in every section (though I admit frustration that I couldn't run faster in the second half...but that's just me being me).
I admit that my body was completely wrecked when I finished. Everything below my waist was in pain, it was hard to move, I couldn't eat anything and though I felt thirsty, it was difficult to even drink water. I told my Support Crew that I was having trouble walking, and they all said, "Well you're doing a lot better than many other people." There were a lot of finishers being taken away to the medical tent in wheelchairs, and at least one being rushed away on a gurney with IVs in her arm. I decided that I wanted to go sit in the hotel pool, so that's where we headed. Luckily the hotel was only one block from the finish line. The pool was heated, so it didn't provide the cooling effect that I wanted for my legs, but it felt nice to just let them float. However, I started to get the chills, even with the warm water, and as Brian helped me out of the pool he looked at me and said, "Your lips are blue." With chattering teeth, I replied, "I'm really cold." So we headed back to the room so I could take a hot shower, which felt amazing, and Brian made me some coffee, which is exactly what I needed.
I couldn't believe it, but I had barely chafed anywhere--this is why EXTRA BODY GLIDE is so important! Lube, lube, lube! Once I was cleaned up and warm, we headed back down to the finish line because I didn't want to miss Christina's finish. I had seen her twice on the run course and she looked really strong, so we checked the tracker and saw she was getting close. We got a good spot at the finishing chute and saw her coming. We screamed her name and I think she saw us, and she crossed the finish looking fantastic. We found her and her friends at the end and she was doing great. She said she needed to sit and to eat, so that's a good sign! I still could not even imagine eating at that point, so we parted and Brian and I drove to transition to pick up my bike.
Once again, the volunteers at transition were great and directed me to pick up my bike and run bags and then my bike. As I got to the bike rack, Brian called my name from the fence and said my bike wasn't in its spot. I headed over to spot #477, and sure enough, no bike. I didn't panic, but all bikes end up looking the same at some point, so I started walking up and down the rack each way, and finally found it, in number 447--easy mistake, no harm done. By that time Brian was really hungry, and I was starting to feel like I could eat something (though my legs were still having trouble moving), so we went in search of food. We ended up back at the hotel and just ate at the hotel restaurant, which was great because we were sitting at the sidewalk where a lot of finishers were walking...err, hobbling by. We kept checking on Andy's status, too, because we wanted to see him finish. I saw him once on the run course and I knew he was going to make it, so that was great. After eating we made our way back for Andy's finish, and he looked great coming across the line. It's so exciting to watch others finish, the energy is just amazing!
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The final hour was spectacular. The finish line at 4th Street Live is electric, and the noise was incredible. My throat hurt from screaming and cheering at people finishing. The anticipation of waiting for the next people to come out of the darkness and into the finishing chute as midnight neared was exhilarating. With just a minute to go, a few more people came into view, and then there was one more guy, looking exhausted, slowing down, he had less than 15 seconds, and the crowd, seemingly in unison, shouted, "RUN!!!!!" He did, and though he probably doesn't remember a thing about that last minute of the race, I will always remember the thrill of seeing him get across that line with 12 seconds to spare. With no one else in view, we started to head back to the hotel. Then we heard more cheers--looking at the large screen, we could see that one more woman was coming down the line. Although she missed the midnight "deadline," the crowd cheered her on as if she was the winner. She made it across the line at 12:03--and though she may not have been "official," she still finished, and the volunteer placed a finisher's medal around her neck.
At that point, it was time for bed. I checked my text messages back at the hotel room, looked at a few of the Facebook postings, and then went to sleep. It did take a bit for me to fall asleep, but I think I slept pretty well.
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Poor Brian had to work on Tuesday, so we had to get on the road fairly early. We said our goodbyes to Aunt Karen and Uncle Jeff, and Mom, Brian and I got on the road at about 9:45. It was a fairly uneventful 13 hour drive home. Brian did surprise me by already putting my 140.6 sticker on the car! And I thought I would cure my burger craving by trying a pretzel bun, double-bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's. Mistake. Big mistake. Do not ever order this monstrosity of a sandwich. Stick with the simple bacon cheeseburger and be happy.
I spent time on the ride catching up with all of the well wishes on Facebook. I was totally amazed by the amount of support and interest from friends and family! The fact that so many people were excited to take time out of their Sunday to tune in to Brian's updates and the Ironman web feed was truly heart-warming. I am a tri geek and love to watch other people compete and succeed, but I didn't realize how many people I knew would be watching. I felt the love!
So there you have it. My journey. It's weird that it's over, but I'm not sad. I won't lie, it's nice to not feel the pressure of having to get a workout in, twice a day, 6 days a week. I did enjoy the journey, I truly love the preparation and the training and the competition. But I don't need to do another Ironman. At least not next year. But 2015? Maybe, just maybe....
ReplyDeleteYour sharing of your months of preparation on this blog are interesting, exciting, funny, scary, emotional. Your insight what you THOUGHT was going to happen and this recount of what DID happen are brilliant.
I'm so glad we were able to share your victory! (PS: I got a shot glass too :)