Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 1 done!! Success!

This week will be a training recap...week 1 is done!  Only 29 more weeks to go.  Somehow, if I say it that way it doesn't sound as intimidating as "only 7 more months to go!"  Oh boy, that's the last time I'm counting in months...weeks is much easier.  I don't know why--maybe because a week goes by faster than a month so there is a sense of moving forward, of accomplishment.

So week 1 was a big deal.  A week ago I was transferring my training plan from a book to a calendar that is posted on my refrigerator.  Although I had glanced quite a bit at the training plan as I was reading the book, it became real when transferring it to paper, and a bit intimidating!  (Not to mention later in the week when I looked at the second 10 week period--oh my!)  But I was confident and excited.  As I've mentioned previously, I need a goal and a plan to really get behind something and committed.  Starting the "official" plan gave me that feeling of commitment and dedication.  I was determined to NOT miss a planned workout, and I didn't!

It was my first foray into the world of heart rate zone training, and I admit that I am not fully on board yet.  Most likely for two reasons--I haven't done an actual test to figure out my likely maximum heart rate, so I don't fully believe the number that the formula gave me.  Second, the equipment I've been using is not ideal.  My Garmin doesn't beep anymore, so even though I have it set to notify me when my heart rate is out of the targeted zone, I have to still look at it to figure that out.  Very annoying, and so difficult on the bike.  Also, the strap for the monitor feels too big and doesn't really stay in place while running until I get quite sweaty.  Annoying.  I do have some solutions to these issues--I will likely run a 5K in two weeks to help figure out my max heart rate, and I will try using a different Garmin we have that is newer to see if that works.  No solution for the monitor strap at the moment, since it's tightened as much as it can be.

So let's talk about the swim--I am getting more and more excited about the swim, mostly because I really think I can make huge improvements.  At the same time, I have an internal struggle going on knowing that it will take some time to unlearn my poor technique and teach my muscles a new muscle memory, yet experiencing frustration as I try to execute the new technique and feel like I'm failing.  The frustration lasts only a short time right now as I convince myself to be patient.  (We'll see at the start of week 20 how I feel!)  What I learned this week is I need to focus on keeping my legs closer together while kicking and elevated to the top of the water; roll my shoulders with my hips to help with timing; and although I need to keep my head down, I also have to look up a bit to make sure I'm not crossing my arms over the centerline of my body.  Wow, that's a lot!

The bike, which I feel is my strongest discipline, is going okay.  The planned workouts are fairly short right now, which is okay since I don't have much daylight to work with.  I am riding my tri bike mostly, which I did not do enough while training for my half ironman, and I'm feeling fairly comfortable.  I might have to make a few small adjustments, but so far I'm not having the lower back tightness and pain I had before.  I'll have a much better idea of how this is going once the rides get longer.

As for running, I am a little frustrated.  Before this past week, I was upset that I couldn't get my speed faster and my pace per mile down to what it has been in the past.  And then this week, with the start of heart rate zone training, my pace is slower because I need to keep my heart rate within that fat-burning zone for now.  I admit that I ignored that today on my long run, and ran longer than the plan called for since I have a half marathon in 3 weeks.

But overall, I am so pleased that I accomplished every workout, plus two strength sessions at Crossfit.  This is the first week in a very long time when I exercised 6 out of 7 days.  I am REALLY looking forward to that rest day tomorrow!  I was quite good with time management, pairing workouts when I could, taking my running or biking gear to work so I could minimize my driving time, planning my meals.

Oh--I forgot about that other!  I did fairly well this week, and am only disappointed slightly in my eating over the weekend.  But overall, not too bad. 

Week 1.  Done.  Success.  Fun.  Difficult.  Worth it.

Now, in closing, it is time to post my ambitious Ironman goal.  In the book I'm following, Don Fink's BeIron Fit, I am instructed to post my goal.  Write it down, post it where I can see it, and make it public.  So here it is.

Ironman Louisville 2013
Goal: 12 hours!
Top 10 age group

Swim: 1hr 15
T1: <10 minutes
Bike: 6 hrs
T2: <10 minutes
Run: 4hr 25minutes

Ambitious, but not impossible.

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